Last week I was sent on an official business trip to Austin, TX. I've always heard what a cool town Austin is. Sort of like San Diego, but with bbq and live music. With a city slogan like "Keep Austin Weird", what's not to love? I was starting to look forward the trip despite being away from my kiddos for three days.
I found myself daydreaming about how I was certainly, most definitely, going to run into Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds making out on the street. Though I would settle for running into Sandra Bullock carting around her chubzy wittle behbeh, Louis.
However, Mother Nature had the gall to send a storm during my trip, so it was 23 degrees when we arrived. 23. Farenheit. As in, below freezing. With snow in the forecast. And it did, too. The nerve!
It was too cold to walk the 15 blocks to Sandra Bullock's restaurant, and frankly, I was a little too afraid of being mugged to venture around the downtown neighborhood by myself. Honestly, Sandra should thank her lucky stars, because I completely lose my shizz when I see celebrities. I'm fairly certain I would have said something insulting about Sandy's new bangs. And possibly something inappropriate about Ryan Reynolds' abs/junk.
I did find one really cool place to check out near the hotel, but unfortunately, it was closed for inventory. Bummer. That looked like a good time right there.
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Thursday, February 10, 2011
About Me

- Kris
- I have many obsessions and they change frequently. I'm just fickle like that. So here's my little space to rant, vent, snark, squee, or cheer for my latest obsession. They vary from tv, books, movies, celebrities, beauty, clothes, shopping, websites, candy, work, etc. You get the idea. Basically anything that keeps my mind from actually being productive.
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Sandra doesn't actually hang out at her restaurant all that much, does she? I know a lot of celebs own restaurants in L.A. and N.Y. but you'd have to practically eat every meal there for six months solid to actually have a run-in.
Sounds like my kind of place! Did you even get to make out with Jesse James?
I know what people SAY about austin...But Texas? Really? Do they even HAVE a sprinkles? No? then why bother?!
peewee has a point.
The Museum of the Weird boasts having a FeeJee Mermaid. FeeJee? Is that because calling it the same name as PT Barnum's Fiji Mermaid would be trademark infringement?
Any place that brags about being weird sounds like the kind of place I want to be!
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