I am at that age.
The age where body parts hurt for no reason. And they hurt so bad that I can barely move.
Last Monday I woke up with back spasms. I wish I could say that I had just climbed Mt Everest or beaten the Guiness World Record for Wii Just Dance 2. Heck, it would have been nice to just say that I had gardened all day or lifted one of my kids and hurt it. But I didn't do any of those things. I just woke up with a random back injury.
I toughed it out at work on Monday even though I couldn't really work because I couldn't concentrate on anything besides how much my back was hurting. The spasms would wrap around from my back to my stomach. It felt like I was in labor. Three days of back labor and no cute little baby to blame my stretch marks and saggy boobs on.
Gradually I got better and by Saturday I was feeling pretty good again. I made my weekly trip to Costco where I foolishly lifted a case of water into my cart.
Big mistake.
I wonder how much Advil it takes before you get permanent liver damage...?
Back spasms? That sounds ridiculous! You know who to blame. M.L.
I have knee pain of unknown origin.
And I once threw my back out sneezing. Getting old is dumb.
Uh yah. a couple of weeks ago I WOKE UP WITH a knee injury...swollen and everything. And it still hurts. SO I injured my knee in my sleep apparently. I'm gonna hope at least I was running a marathon in my dreams!
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