Because I also thought about this while I was watching "The Fighter"
Say hi to your muthah for me.
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010
About Me

- Kris
- I have many obsessions and they change frequently. I'm just fickle like that. So here's my little space to rant, vent, snark, squee, or cheer for my latest obsession. They vary from tv, books, movies, celebrities, beauty, clothes, shopping, websites, candy, work, etc. You get the idea. Basically anything that keeps my mind from actually being productive.
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I loved when that clip first aired, and then a couple weeks later Mark Walhberg went on SNL and said he didn't like the sketch. But then he kept saying "say hi to your mother for me" to people back stage. Good times.
I love that clip. It cracks me up every time. And I love Mahk Wahlbuhg, too.
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