This is an extremely late review/rave of a product I got at the QVC Beauty Bash that I went to way back in March. Out of the entire truckload of free products that I got, this is one of my top favorites.

ExfoliKate by Kate Somerville
I love this stuff. Let me just warn you...its pricey. Like $85 for 1.7oz. pricey. But it works. Fast.
I used to be in love with Philosophy's microdelivery peel, but now I've moved on. Philosophy's peel is just so two-thousand-and-late.
ExfoliKate is a green exfoliating treatment that you only have to leave on for 30 seconds. 30 seconds. That's it. The other stuff had to sit there for a couple of minutes, and you had to use twice as much product with less results. It's so quick, I just leave it in my shower. No more standing over the sink and waiting. A garbanzo bean size amount covers my whole face. You feel a definite warming/tingling sensation, and once you just rinse it off and your face is super smooth. I have problem skin, so I use it every other day, instead of just the recommended twice a week, and even with more frequent use, it doesn't irritate my skin.
I know it's expensive, but Sephora usually has their friends & family 20% discount sometime in November, so maybe you can buy some as a Christmas present to yourself. You deserve it.
I cracked up at the "two thousand and late" bit. Awesome! And I love product reviews. Excellent post.
But does it leave your skin all shiny? Cuz I hate that. And only YOU could make me laugh at a product review!!
No shiny-ness at all. And not all tight and crackly feeling either.
I could probably write a weekly column on product reviews. There's this mascara that I love, some new eyeliner, a face cream....I could go on!
I think you should do more product reviews! Make it a weekly feature.
Love this rec. I read about it in W and haven't tried it. Thanks for the info.
Hmm...weekly reviews...if only there were some way to get a commission from Sephora for pimping all their products!
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