It's called Emails From Crazy People, and it is delightfully crazy, and therefore, awesome.
This is the most recent entry.

There's plenty more where that came from!
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Yay! I get bored at work, even with the 500 blogs I read, so I will check this site out!
Oh, and Snuggies are all one. No color delineation!
Oh. My. Gosh. New obsession, here I come!
This is from the same people who do Fail Blog, right? I haven't checked it out, but you better believe I'm going there right now!
ooooohhhhhh, how i love crazy people!
That's HILARIOUS! Some people have way too much time on their hands.
Hi Stephanie, I tried to check out your blog, but my work blocked it for 'malicious content' sounds like exactly the kind of blog that I would LOVE! I'll try to check you out when I get on the computer at home, which is next to never...but I will still try!
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