A thought recently entered my head and has been bubbling around..."maybe I should start waking up early and run for half an hour before work".
Clearly, I hate myself. Please pray for me. Before it's too late.
Oh, and I'm a hypocrite too.
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Friday, January 22, 2010
About Me

- Kris
- I have many obsessions and they change frequently. I'm just fickle like that. So here's my little space to rant, vent, snark, squee, or cheer for my latest obsession. They vary from tv, books, movies, celebrities, beauty, clothes, shopping, websites, candy, work, etc. You get the idea. Basically anything that keeps my mind from actually being productive.
Blog Archive
- WARNING: You Will Be Severely Mocked
- QVC Beauty Bash Is Baa-aack!
- This Is A New Low For Me
- Team Conan or Team Leno?
- Lady Gaga Is Actually 55 Years Old
- Glee Post Of The Week - OMG YES! Squuueeee!
- Sorry Chargers
- Not You Too, Abby!?
- His Mother Must Be So Proud
- Avatar: It LOOKS Neat, But Does The Story Suck?
- Crush Of The Week: Chuck
- My Existence Is Validated
- Dear Uterus,
- Frick, I'm Behind On My Internet Stalking!
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Why get up early when you can just stay up late. :-)
Just kidding. I'm the type that, when I'm good about working out, I get up at 4 in the freakin' morning. I think I need more help than you do.
My dark secret is that I, too, have thought about taking up running. I was thinking about training and running a 5K or something.
I'm visiting from Karen's World. Your blog is hilarious! I will be stopping by again! Thanks for the laughs! I always say I'm going to run. I have a treadmill taking up prime space in my living room...but it's pretty dusty! Ha ha! Have a great day!
Things will get better. Running is not the answer!
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