I wanted to like you. I really did. I had such high hopes. I watched the first show with such anticipation. And wow, did that first show suck! But, I understood that pilot episodes are never that good since they really have to focus so much on explaining the plot and backstory, and just can't devote that much time to the funny. So I kept recording you and watched you every week. I wanted to love Joel McHale and laugh out loud at his snarkiness.
But you know what happened? I didn't laugh. Not at all. In fact, I kept wishing you were over so that I could just erase you from my DVR and be done with you.
So guess what, Community...I give up on you. You suck.
I haven't watched it, but it's JOEL MCHALE!! How bad can it be???
I literally left a comment on someone else's blog with the same thing!!
I am so disappointed. My love for Joel is well documented, but it's just not very funny. It feels very, very forced. I will continue to watch it, in order to drool over Joel, but I have a feeling it won't be renewed.
yeah, i really wanted to like it too, but everytime i watch the taped episodes on the dvr, i end doing something else. it doesn't even hold my attention. :(
NOO! I was really looking forward to it coming over here, argh! It needed to be good!
same. In the wise words of 'Tiffany'....coulda been so beautiful, coulda been so nice...
(modern family makes up for it)
I think I only appreciate it because I work at a community college and see all those students on a daily basis and it's kind of nice to have the opportunity to laugh at them.
But it's nowhere near as good as it could have been.
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