Join me in the stand against the senseless torture of spandex clothing everywhere. That fabric is screaming for its life!
Thank you, People of Walmart. You made my Monday.
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I honestly think that this is worse than if she would have gone naked.
When I first saw that picture, I thought maybe she'd stuffed the bottom of a bubble dress with packing peanuts.
Sigh! I wish the dress was leopard print.
Oh my!! That is quite a sight. Thanks for visiting my blog today. The Certain Dri isn't like other roll-on's. I too, am not a roll-on fan. You just use it every other night and it shuts down your sweat glands. I still use a normal deodorant everyday but not near as much. It is HEAVEN!!
That is pretty terrible. No, quite terrible. Think of it in white now...
I love that website. It's so crazy it seems like it would have to be fake, and yet I know it's not!
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