As was 'Eau de Bella', 'Chagrin', 'Bite Me', and 'You Smell Good Enough To Eat. No Seriously, I Want To Stalk You and Eat You'.
Want to attract your very own Edward Cullen? Try new 'Twilight Woods' by Bath & Body Works. Smells warm and cozy, just like Bella. Just in time for the release of New Moon!
Coming soon for men, 'Sparkling Marble', a cool new scent for the holidays.
So, I assume this smells like desperation?
And then, in the spring, they'll have "Fresh Meat" to attract the werewolves.
HAHAH!!! I totally saw this the other day and started cracking up.
Twilight woods. haha I wish it were twilight wood.
Sparkling Marble should be our new band name!
HAHAHA! Your comment killed me. Can u even IMAGINE a therapist saying "care bear stare"?
HAHHA! Thanks. I'll have that image in my mind ALL DAY LONG!
Hey...there's an ENTIRE Twiligh make-up line at Nordy right now. And the blush is called "mortal glow" HAHA!
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