My best work friend is leaving due to some serious workplace drama. She's packing up her desk right now.
No more trusted person to vent to. No more lunches together. No more break room chats.
(sob! sniffle!)
I'll miss you!
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I know exactly how you feel. I was so sad to leave my work wife, but we're reunited and it's all good.
awww...that's so sad. This is why I have no work friends to begin with. Well, that OR just my surly personality.
i seriously fear that this will happen to me. one day, margie will pack up all her stuff and leave me here to deal with the crazies on my own. NOOOOOOOOOOO!
My work bff turned into a total flake. So I got a new one. And now we just complain to each other all day long. She keeps talking about looking for a new job and I swear, if she goes, I won't know how to handle it!
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