Every morning, Magic 92.5, (the old school station with the suckiest DJs ever) has this thing called War of the Roses where they basically try to catch people cheating on their significant others. On the radio. For everyone to hear.
It's awesome! And by awesome, I mean completely trashy, voyeuristic, and pathetic.
So lets say Jen & Brad are married. They just bought a house and are talking about having kids. Things seem great until Brad starts spending long hours at work and starts acting all sketchy. Jen gets suspicious that Brad is messing around. She calls in to War of the Roses and they call up Brad and pretend to be a new florist in the area trying to drum up new business by offering him a free, dozen, romantic, red roses to send to anyone. Brad accepts the offer and then they ask him what name & message to put on the card. Of course, he sends them to that slut Angelina, from work, instead of Jen, and writes on the card that he can't wait to rehearse their next love scene together. Then the DJs bust in and alert Brad to the fact that Jen is on the line and then sit back while Brad & Jen get in a fight on the air.
These people ALWAYS send them to someone other than their significant other, and most of them will still try to deny it after they've been caught. Those are my favorites. I especially loved the one where the guy wrote "Can't wait until this weekend. I'll bring the baby oil". And he STILL claimed the girl was "just a friend". Right. We all send roses to our friends of the opposite sex and arrange secret meetings to bring them baby oil. Riiiight.
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Monday, March 16, 2009
About Me

- Kris
- I have many obsessions and they change frequently. I'm just fickle like that. So here's my little space to rant, vent, snark, squee, or cheer for my latest obsession. They vary from tv, books, movies, celebrities, beauty, clothes, shopping, websites, candy, work, etc. You get the idea. Basically anything that keeps my mind from actually being productive.
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Wow, I really need to listen to one of these.
And I heart Angelina. Even if she is a slutty whore.
I honestly couldn't care less about Jen & Brangelina...not gonna last anyway, no matter how many kids they collect. But Angie is definitely in the dangerously questionable range on my slut-o-meter. I still haven't gotten over the way she kissed her brother. (shudder)
Or wore Billy Bob's blood in a vial around her neck and told everyone ON THE RED CARPET that they just had sex in the limo on the way to the Oscars. Classy.
And I seriously need to listen to that radio bit. Love it.
now i can cancel my subscription to cable tv.
Oh snap! I just remembered the one where the girl was suspicious of her boyfriend & best friend messing around behind her back ever since she got out of JAIL. True story.
I've totally heard this before! But in Sacramento, not San Diego.
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