The rise in temperature that I'm feeling is strictly because I'm laughing so hard that it's practically an aerobic workout. I swear. Everyone knows that laughter releases endorphins, just like sex and chocolate. So I'm merely having a reaction to the laughter and am in no way reacting to the delicious presence of chest, abs, or face.
You believe me, right?
"He's got a crooked smile," she said with chagrin.
Oh, you both should have come to t he movie with me. I could not stop laughing. The enamored girls were giving me the evil eye.
How can I get the job of his ab-painter-onner?! Oh yeah, I would totally do it.
Same with us! When Edward smells Bella for the first time and looks like he's gonna barf? I laughed so hard I snorted! We got several evil looks in the theater.
I think you mean job of ab-licker.
I can attest to Kristina's comment. I thought we might get shanked on the way back to her car.
When we saw it in the theater, there were actually two teenage girls in the row in front of us who were talking smack about us for laughing. But you know, when something brings you so much joy, how can you not laugh?
The scene in Biology was good, but not half as good as the Spider Monkey scene.
I don't care if those abs are paint or a shadow or strategically placed Jacob-wolf snot ... all I have to say it, hello lover.
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