Tomorrow I leave for my much anticipated trip to Philadelphia and the QVC Beauty Bash. An entire girly trip dedicated to makeup and beauty and doing whatever us girls want to do! It's going to be heavenly.
We will be spending the first portion of our stay in the heart of historic Philly. Our hotel is right across the street from the Liberty Bell. At the super luxe Omni. Having only stayed at budget hotels/motels, I am looking forward to stealing all manner of upscale hotel shampoos, conditioners, lotions & soaps. A view of Independence Park would be good too, but a girl's gotta have her priorities!
With a little luck from the weather and us finding our way around the city, I hope to return with photos and stories to share. Here are things I hope to do while I am there:
-Run up the steps (while humming Eye of the Tiger) and take my own Rocky pose photo at the Rocky statue.
-Take a ride in an authentic Amish horse & buggy.
-Eat an authentic philly cheesesteak.
-Eat at a Cracker Barrel & at a Sonic for the first time. (There are no Cracker Barrels in CA, and the first Sonic in San Diego is being built right now!)
-Tour the QVC studio & shop in their store!
-See what the QVC hosts look like up close. I wonder if they're really scary with all that makeup on.
-Get tons of free beauty products!
I'm totally looking forward to getting away, but am secretly very anxious about being away from my munchkins for 5 days. Yes, I know Daddy will be home taking care of them, and they'll be fine. But, what if they need me? What if they want their hair braided, and Daddy can only do ponytails? Sigh. I'm going to miss them.
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About Me

- Kris
- I have many obsessions and they change frequently. I'm just fickle like that. So here's my little space to rant, vent, snark, squee, or cheer for my latest obsession. They vary from tv, books, movies, celebrities, beauty, clothes, shopping, websites, candy, work, etc. You get the idea. Basically anything that keeps my mind from actually being productive.
Blog Archive
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- Proof that Bella's Dad has got it goin' on
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- Is it too early to wear white pants?
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- I don't look pissed anymore!
- Johnny Cash must be rolling over in his grave
- Laughing at this is a real turn-on
- Guilty Pleasure: War of the Roses
- Stealing Nikol's 5 Senses list
- Hair accessory or torture device?
- Why do I look so pissed?
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- Dear American Idol contestants
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- America's Creepiest Idol
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Does the fact that your whole post made me a scary shade of green with envy help with leaving the little ones at all? I am SO jealous!
I'm so excited for you and I hope you have a great time!! Can't wait to hear all about it!
this trip sounds like so much fun! (eye of the tiger - awesome!)
can't wait to read all about it.
I've never eaten at cracker barrel either!! AM DYING to! Let me know! (sonic? eh.)
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