A coworker keeps asking me why I look so angry and intense today. Every time she walks by my office door, she asks what's wrong and tells me to smile.
I didn't realize I looked so pissed off. I don't feel angry. So with her reminder, I take that moment to unclench my jaw and relax my shoulders from being perched right at my ears, and I feel better for a few minutes. We chat about her 35th anniversary plans with her husband and she asks me about my munchkins. She goes back to her desk, I go back to my work...and a few minutes later, I'm wearing my shoulders as earrings again.
I know I've been mega stressed and overloaded lately, but I didn't realize it was actually readable on my face. Dude, it's affecting my looks!
I'm really not angry, but perhaps this is a big warning sign. If I turn green and start busting giant muscles out of my clothes, you had better run!
Grr! Kris angry! You not like Kris when she angry!
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
About Me

- Kris
- I have many obsessions and they change frequently. I'm just fickle like that. So here's my little space to rant, vent, snark, squee, or cheer for my latest obsession. They vary from tv, books, movies, celebrities, beauty, clothes, shopping, websites, candy, work, etc. You get the idea. Basically anything that keeps my mind from actually being productive.
Blog Archive
- I'm off!
- Proof that Bella's Dad has got it goin' on
- Twilight Viewing Party
- Blog stalking finds
- My Boys
- Email signature
- That's what she said
- Is it too early to wear white pants?
- Patheti-con
- I don't look pissed anymore!
- Johnny Cash must be rolling over in his grave
- Laughing at this is a real turn-on
- Guilty Pleasure: War of the Roses
- Stealing Nikol's 5 Senses list
- Hair accessory or torture device?
- Why do I look so pissed?
- Blog Stalking
- American Idol Audition Song
- Dear American Idol contestants
- A blonde celeb crush?
- America's Creepiest Idol
- Brain iz boggled
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Time for a massage!!
when someone KEEPS asking me why i'm angry, it kind of makes me angry.
ditto kristina. go get that massage!
Ooo, girl. I needs me a pair of shoulder earrings.
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